Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Serving Career Exploration A la Carte

Campanaro, B.

The Sophomore Biological Sciences Colloquium course is designed to assist students with career exploration and planning.   Students are asked to develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) focusing on crafting short (<5 years), intermediate (5-10 years), and long term (10+ years) goals.  Students identify skills necessary to achieve each goal, evaluate their ability in each skill, and pinpoint resources and strategies to hone those skills. Uniquely, this course offers students an opportunity to tailor the educational experience to best meet their personal career aspirations.  Students choose from an instructor-created menu of options or “Action Items” intended to guide students toward appropriate resources and strategies for a variety of career opportunities. The course design is based on personal experiences and lessons learned through advising undergraduates in biological sciences and is an example of “advising as teaching.”  A sample syllabus and ongoing feedback from students will be shared as part of the presentation.

Becki Campanaro, Biological Sciences MCS